No Doane classes will be held at SCC campus on March 5.
Education Specialist Degree Program Completion Criteria
Completion of the Education Specialist degree prepares students for the Standard Administration Certificate with an endorsement for the Superintendency and Central Office leadership roles. Recommendations for certification for Doane University will be determined by the student's potential as indicated by the following:
1. Completion of all Nebraska Department of Education requirements including passing the School Superintendent Assessment test. 2. Successful completion of all coursework for the Education Specialist degree. 3. A cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or above for all courses leading to the degree. 4. Completion of a one semester practicum in an accredited school district. 5. Complete and present an action research school improvement project at the district level. 6. Submit a written summary of the project to the Graduate Office. 7. Complete and submit a professional portfolio. 8. File an application for degree form no later than the required date.
The Director of the Education Leadership degree recommends to Certification Officer of the university those students who should be certified. Graduates who complete the education specialist degree program without previous endorsement as a principal will not be eligible to apply for endorsement as a superintendent but must complete all other relevant requirements for the degree.
Content Testing
Candidates applying for any initial endorsement to be placed on a Nebraska certificate must provide evidence they have passed the required Praxis II test for the endorsement. Students seeking an endorsement as a superintendent must pass the School Superintendent Assessment test (test code: 6021).